Another year is rapidly winding its way down, and the swift passage of time continues to astonish and frighten. Nearly a year ago, my wife and I decided that we would like to take all our children, their spouses, and our seven grandchildren on a cruise over the holidays this year. That was back in March and it seemed so far in the future, but now that future has arrived and we set sail in just a few days. Before I know it, the trip will be over and even if we have the best time ever, it will leave a lingering sense that time is passing me by and that other lives, those of my children and grandchildren especially, must now take the natural course and move to the forefront. It remains remarkable how swiftly life passes; one minute you are young, energetic, embarking upon your career and growing your family, but before you know it, it has become their turn and all you can do is step back and hopefully admire how well you have done with them. In the case of my children, I think that we have done well indeed. I could not hope for a more wonderful, loving, closer group than we have.
The cruise presents photographic issues for me, namely should I bring a big camera with me or not? Given the circumstances, the likelihood of accomplishing anything significant seems small, so I think that the iPhone camera will have to do. I truly enjoy photographing with the iPhone. The quality of the images, and my skill with the phone, have progressed so much this year that I am often amazed at what this camera phone can actually capture (see below). It is always difficult, however, to leave my Nikon D850 home, as I love that camera, too. But I already have time in California and Utah scheduled for January, which will be intense, so a more casual approach to photography here may be just what I need on this trip.
Jamaican Pointsettia, West Palm Beach, Florida